Which is the best Surrogacy Clinic in Greece?


What are fertility procedures available at surrogacy clinic Greece to help childless couples?

The following are the fertility procedures available at surrogacy clinic Greece to help childless couples. These are:

1.      Intrauterine Insemination (IUI):IUI is a procedure in which a fertility expert at a surrogacy clinic in Greece first washes the sperm of the male member and then places it into the uterus of the birth mother to facilitate fertilization. It is a primary and first-line treatment to increase the count of sperm that reaches the woman's fallopian tube and increase the chances of conception.

2.      In-vitro Fertilization (IVF): It is one of the most commonly used procedures for couples who cannot conceive a baby naturally. It is a fertility procedure in which a fertility expert collects the eggs & sperm of intended parents and fertilizes them in an IVF lab to smooth fertilization. Once fertilization occurs, the embryologist will place the formed embryo/s into the birth mother's uterus to establish a successful conception.

3.      Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): ICSI is the best fertility treatment that helps treat male infertility. In this procedure, the fertility expert injects a single sperm into each egg to facilitate fertilization. After fertilization, the embryologist transfers the created embryo into the birth mother's uterus & waits for pregnancy signs & symptoms.

4.      Egg donation: It is the best procedure for women who cannot produce enough eggs due to medical issues; in such cases, the fertility expert borrows eggs from other women and fertilizes them with the intended father or donor sperm. Once fertilization occurs, the embryologist transfers the resulting embryo into the recipient's uterus.

5.      Surrogacy: It is the most advanced fertility treatment in which fertility experts at a surrogacy clinic in Greece first perform IVF, where they collect the eggs & sperm of the biological parents & fertilize them in an IVF lab. Once the embryo gets ready, the embryologist will transfer it into the surrogate mother's uterus & wait for pregnancy signs & symptoms.

How much does surrogacy Greece cost couples look for a baby?

The surrogacy Greece cost at Go IVF surrogacy clinic ranges from USD 12000 to USD 15000, which is quite reasonable compared to other fertility clinics in Greece. The surrogacy clinic Greece offers reasonable cost because they wish everyone on this planet enjoy their parenthood happily & the cost of the procedure will not stop them. The experts at this clinic surveyed & found that people worldwide face challenges in conceiving a baby naturally after 12 months of marriage, due to which woman has to suffer a lot. Keeping the emotions & stress couples are going through, the experts of surrogacy clinic in Greece decided to charge nominal surrogacy Greece price so that individuals can easily afford the procedure.

What's the Greece surrogacy law to take the baby home from a surrogacy clinic in Greece?

According to the government, there is no such legal Greece surrogacy law applicable to the people who wish to undergo the surrogacy procedure to have a baby. However, to run the process smoothly and hassle-free, the Go IVF surrogacy clinic in Greece legal advisor prepared the agreement where it is mentioned that the surrogate mother carries a baby in her womb for nine months. After the baby is born, she hands it over the baby to its biological parents. On the other hand, biological parents take complete responsibility for the surrogate mother from the initial stage of treatment until the baby delivers.

The biological parents also file a petition in Court on the 3rd day of the baby's born, seeking the Court's permission that the baby born through surrogacy procedure belongs to them. The Court will review the signed Greece surrogacy law by both parties. After complete satisfaction, the Court will order the Department of Vital Statistics to issue a new birth certificate in the name of the biological parents as legal parents. The biological parents can take their baby to their home country once all formalities get complete.

Read More:-https://www.ivfsurrogacy.in/surrogacy-clinic-greece/  
